Bags on Bikes 2020

2020 has been a challenging, and at times a scary year. Covid-19 has seen many out of work and in quarantine. Between business closures, unemployment and accesibility to food banks and soup kitchens, food insecurity in the city has gone up 30%+ Approximately 80,000 people are currently homeless in the city, and those number are on the rise. More than 4,000 will spend the night on the street tonight and every night. The hungry and homeless have been hit the hardest. We created a program which brings together CNI members and volunteers in the spirit of paying it forward through a shared love of cycling and doing something good. We partnered with restaurants and prepared, and delivered over 600 complete bagged lunches by bikes to the Hungry people on the streets of New York.


RideforCityHarvest 2021


RideforCityHarvest 2019